Music for Strings

The foundation of the ‘classical’ genre, strings are central to the rich colors and expressive passions of these compositions. From small to large ensembles, you can explore these new works in more detail below

Listening Lounge

Parts Available for download

Before the Chill of Winter

Music for the Piano Quartet heard on ‘A Winter’s Journal’

Nero's Harp

A portrait of homicidal madness veiled by imperial splendor . This is from Acts, the 3-Man Show and features contrabass and harp

Piano Quartet in c-minor

Four movements with four affects, Agitation, Ennui, Wonder, Exuberance. This work appears on my album ‘Witness’ and provides a challenge for engaged players

The Golden Sparrow

This playful work for string trio features many colors and textures as the culmination of a work for a musical escape room. This recording appears on ‘A Winter’s Journal’

Interested in sheet music for other works? Contact the composer below